Guassa is a high ground habitat found in Gera Midir (Menz) woreda in North Shoa Zone of the Amhara Regional State. It is located 288 km from Addis Ababa off the Addis-Dessie Road. Guassa derives its name from the dominant vegetation, Guassa grass (Festuca spp), that covers its alpine meadows, hills and ravines.
The Guassa area harbors nine (23%) of the endemic mammals of Ethiopia, including the Ethiopian wolf, the Gelada and the Ethiopian Highland hare. The Ethiopian wolf is legally protected and with a total world population of less than 450 is the most endangered canid in the world. With six packs of wolves, the Guassa area is a key population of the species.
Guassa supports important and endemic plant species including Guassa grass, giant lobelia, Erica moorlands, Helichrysum and Alchemilla species. The Afro-montane vegetation of the Guassa Area varies with altitude, and is a key attraction of the area. The torch lily or red-hot poker covers entire hillsides with its flame-colored flowers between June and November. The palm-like giant lobelia is most spectacular and reaches up to 12 meters in height.